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Robotics Club SKIT
Innovation and Beyond!
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About us

We are Team RCS

The Robotics Club is a community of students who derive pleasure in creating robots that may even be capable of working without human intervention. Each member of this family is provided insight into mechanical engineering, basic electronics and informatory aids besides the indispensable guidance of experienced members. The club supports and fosters interest in various aspects related to robotics in particular, mechanical design through workshops and projects. Robo-geeks are provided with a workspace, tools and other amenities to let their imagination loose.

Our Origin

Our Collaborations

TechFest IIT Bombay

Techfest, IIT Bombay is the annual science and technology festival of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Techfest originated in 1998 to provide a platform for the Indian student community to develop and showcase their technical prowess. It has grown into Asia's Largest Science and Technology Festival.

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TechKriti IIT Kanpur

Techkriti is the annual inter-collegiate Technical and Entrepreneurship festival organized by the students of IIT Kanpur. Techkriti is a non-profit organization which was launched in 1995 with the aim of developing interest and encouraging innovation in technology among students of India.

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e-Yantra is a robotics outreach program funded by the Ministry of Education and hosted at IIT Bombay. The goal is to harness the talent of young engineers to solve problems using technology across a variety of domains such as: agriculture, manufacturing, defence, home, smart-city maintenance and service industries.

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Tech Analogy

TechAnalogy is a platform that aims at providing education through workshops in latest topics. We have experts of different domains, to share their knowledge and make you industry ready. We give out the absolute exposure to the candidate with the correct amount of experience and stability.

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Our Projects

All Projects

Faculty Coordinators

Team RCS

Session Wise Coordinators

Contact us

Get in Touch

Get in touch with us for Collaborations, queries and all other exciting competitions, workshops and stuff.

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